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发布时间:2018-07-10     作者:zhuangyuequn     来源:德森环保




Germany is world-leader in clean energy technology. And huge demand from China is luring to many German firms. But their biggest concern is intellectual property, and if it will be protected in China. Ge Yunfei went to a small city in Guangdong Province to find out more.

( 德国是清洁能源技术的世界领导者。中国的巨大需求正吸引着许多德国公司。但他们最关心的是知识产权,以及它在中国能否得到保护。为了解更多,葛云飞到广东省的一个小城市。)


Jieyang is a small city in southern China's Guangdong Province.

( 揭阳是中国南方广东省的一个小城市。)


The city prospered on manufacturing stainless metal products over the past several decades but metal pollution is standing in the way for its future development.



SUN SENLIN, FOUNDER & CEO GUANGDONG DESUN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY "This industry naturally emits heavy pollution. But as the Chinese government is rapidly tightening its grip on environmental protection, we're now under heavy pressure. But it's also a big opportunity for business."





In 2015, seeing huge market potential, 25-year-old Sun Senlin wanted to build a waste water treatment system that could achieve the goal of full recycling.


 Eventually, he found the technology made by a German company called MFT Technik.

(最终,他找到了一家名为MFT Technik的德国公司研发的技术。)


 But the Germans shut him out.



 SUN SENLIN, FOUNDER & CEO GUANGDONG DESUN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY "Before us, a Chinese company had come to MTF for cooperation, but instead they copied their designs. So the people at MTF were on high alert when I tried to reach them."


 While his misbehaving Chinese counterpart caused Sun a headache, he didn't give up.



 SUN SENLIN, FOUNDER & CEO GUANGDONG DESUN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY "In 2015, I flew to Germany 6 times to show them our determination to protect IP rights. Like this prototype, they wouldn't allow for it to move to China in the first place. But our sincerity finally persuaded them, and now it's here."

 (“2015年,我6次飞赴德国,向他们展示我们保护知识产权的决心。就像现在你看到的这个污水处理系统一样,他们一开始是不会允许它搬到中国的。但我们的诚意最终说服了他们,并且就落地在这里。” 孙森林说。)


Now Sun and his German partners have built the first and largest full-recycling membrane system for waste water treatment in China. He hopes this could be a good start for further cooperation.




GE YUNFEI JIEYANG, GUANGDONG PROVINCE "Intellectual property protection may be the biggest concern for German small and medium enterprises in their cooperation with their Chinese counterparts. In the meantime, more and more Chinese companies come to realize that IP protection is the foundation of a long-standing and healthy cooperation."

 (记者葛云飞 :“在德国中小企业与中国中小企业的合作中,知识产权保护可能是最大的问题。”同时,越来越多的中国公司意识到知识产权保护是长期健康合作的基础。)